Since summers are over and the cold days are coming, it’s time of the year when you need to keep yourselve warm and look good.

And what comes to our rescue is –LAYERING.

Layering is an easy way that takes your outfit to next level and you will literally have people drooling over your style. By layering, you can show your creativeness through your outfit but on the other hand if you do a bit of mistake in your dressing, you can go from stylish to douche.

Some of the points which I follow for my layering routine are:

Layering From Thin To Thick

Keep in mind you have to stay warm and look good at the same time. The closest layer to your body should be the thinnest. Since it is the layer which is in direct contact with your body, it will spread the heat captured by your outer layer. Another benefit of this is it will keep you warm during chilly mornings but at noon if you feel hot or uncomfortable you can remove your outer layer and can still look good.

Don’t Overlayer

Common mistake which most people do, is overlayering. Thinking doing extra layering will make you look good instead you end up looking like a puffy person.

Forward Layering Or Reverse Layering

Forward layering is when your each consecutive layer gets longer and longer in length, means your inner layer should be the shortest and outer, the longest or you can do it reverse, inner layer the longest and outer the shortest.

Keep in your mind there’s no use of layering if your each and every layer is not visible. What’s the point of layering if it is not visible ?

Colour Contrast And Pattern Matching

Layering is all about showing your creativity and creating a stylish combo.

Colour contrast is the major factor that can affect your whole outfit, always try to make contrast within your layers. Another aspect is pattern matching, instead of going with heavy patterns, go with simple blocks with same depth otherwise it will create a optical illusion to anyone who looks at you.

I hope this information was useful for you, if I come up with more ideas i will update it immediately.

If you have any questions, ask in comment section.


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